Casting Clinic – February 15th

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    • #9957

        MVFF is excited to invite you to the third indoor casting session on February 15th, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Xenia Community Center. It’s located at 1265 W. 2nd St, Xenia, OH 45385.

        Watch for more details in the February issue of Tightlinbes and on this Forum.


      • #9960

          Indoor Casting Event – February 15th

          Join us for our next indoor casting event on February 15th from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. at the Xenia Community Center, 1265 W. 2nd Street, Xenia.

          We shall continue with the Foundation Level Skills. These are all skills one needs to master to become a better caster.

          Foundation Level Skills

          F1. Assemble Gear: All fly fishers must be able to properly assemble gear. Assemble the rod, attach the reel, line the rod and get about 1 rod length of fly line past the rod tip, and straighten the leader.

          F2. Feeling the Line: Pancakes, Eggs, and Bacon: With the fly at 20-25 ft., the angler will move the near-vertical rod in a clockwise circle forming “pancakes.” After about 6-8 revolutions, move the rod in a clockwise oval (eggs) for another 6-8 revolutions. Finally, make the oval narrower back to front until the rod is moving nearly straight forward and then back (bacon).

          F3. Horizontal Loop Formation Drill: Starting with the fly at 25 ft. the angler moves the rod in a horizontal plane (rod is parallel to the ground) with smooth acceleration through the right size arc to an abrupt stop causing loop formation. Line and leader are allowed to fall to the ground and should be relatively straight. The goal is to create a narrow, casting loop with 4 ft. or less distance between fly and rod leg. The horizontal plane allows easy observation of the forward and back cast loops which should be nearly identical. This is also a great drill to do with longer bits of line.

          F4. Horizontal False Casting Drill: Starting with the fly at 25 ft. the angler makes the same horizontal casting motion but does not allow the line/leader to fall. The angler must pause just long enough to allow the line to straighten, but not fall to the ground, before the next cast. Narrow loop formation (4 ft. or less fly to rod leg) is still the goal. Nope: When practiced with longer lengths of line, a bit longer pause is needed.

          F5. Climb the Wall: Starting with the fly at 25 ft. the angler will start with horizontal false casting with narrow loops and raise the rod tip in 10-20 degree increments up toward a near-vertical casting position. Narrow loops are maintained throughout. Once an angle close to vertical is reached, the caster will work back down to horizontal in like fashion.

          F6. Cast to Targets: There are two targets, both 30 ft. from the angler but 20 ft apart. Starting with the fly at one target, the angler uses a series of near-vertical false casts to change direction to the other target. The fly should land within 2 ft. of the center of the targets.

          F7. 35 ft. Lob or Water Tension Cast: Starting with the fly stretched to 30 ft. behind the angler, a lob or water tension cast is made with a crisp forward stop so the line/leader lands relatively straight 180 degrees from where it started.

          We also have the room to set up most of the Bronze Level casts.

          All of this and more will be in the February Tighlines (

          • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 3 days ago by Admin.
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