Fly rod building classes?


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    • #8912

        Have we stopped offering these? If yes, do we have a recommendation for where a member might access a class?

      • #8913
        Tom Arnold


          The rod building classes went on for over 25 years. They were all conducted by MVFF member Jim Corbin in his shop in Yellow Springs. Jim is an expert in rod building and has quite the set-up to carry out such work. Sadly, he had to discontinue the classes several years ago due partly to failing eyesight.

          I built 5 rods, including one cane rod, in the classes, the first around 1994. Really enjoyed the classes and have some wonderful rods which are the only rods I own.

        • #8914

            Thanks Tom, do you have any recommendations on who may have classes nearby?

          • #8915
            Tom Arnold

              No, I don’t but Jeff Davis pointed out that Northern Kentucky Fly Fishers ( has great downloadable PDFs on rod building. They conduct classes but probably only for members and of course not very convenient.

            • #8916
              Tom Arnold

                Also, MVFF member Joe Nagel helped Jim Corbin for several years in teaching the classes. He has built a number of rods on his own and you might reach out to him for information.

              • #8971

                  I will help answer your questions as you learn by watching videos and reading books..
                  It is easy once you know how….
                  Let me know how it is going….

                • #8985

                    Well I did watch the NKY fly club videos and read several others articles. I have to admit, lots that I encountered were not well covered, and I may be unique that I need to interact to learn well especially from great mentors, which is why clubs like ours are so important. I managed to finish build #1. I had lots of learning experiences, had lots of conflicting advice especially on guide spacing for a four piece rod. If I can figure out how to post images here, I will post this, please be kind. It is my first attempt.

                  • #8986

                      Well I will post this on our FB page, this appears impossible to enter a photo unless you have a web page.

                    • #8987

                        There were a few shops during BUFF that said they offered classes. I have built three rods this spring. While I don’t claim to be an absolute expert. I can help you build a nice rod. I will post photos of the rod I built and gave away, its a red white and blue theme.


                      • #8988

                          Thanks Allen, I appreciate the offer, but apparently posting photos is difficult here.

                        • #9027
                          Tom Arnold

                            I have added the capability to add photos to posts. You can select your photo from your files or drag and drop as I did here. This is a Sage rod I built in the mid-1990’s in the first class I attended that was led by Jim Corbin.


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