Your MVFF Library - 2020 Questions & Answers Yes, we are puny, but honestly, we would like your input to advance the well- being of your library and to begin a new thread of information among the membership. Please take a few moments to answer a few (not 20) questions. Thank you, Jeff & Cindy Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. What are your favorite sources of information? (check all that apply)Online content1.a.Periodicals (magazines/brochures/maps)1.b.Other club members (word of mouth)1.c.Books1.d.NewslettersAdd other favorite sources and comments or specific sources below you think would be helpful.2. What are your favorite online forums? (check all that apply)Government2.a.Guides/professional teachers2.b.Local podcast/discussion groups2.c.Subject matter specific Add any specific sites or comments below you think would be helpful. 3. What information are you most interested in having access to and in what format? Local? State? National?4. How can the MVFF librarians help you reach the resources you need?5. Other comments or suggestions (anything else you want to pass along) that you think may be helpful.May we pass your answers and suggestions on to the membership free of personal information? *YesNoNameFirstLastEmailThanks again, Jeff & CindyWebsiteSubmit